Sunday, April 17, 2011

Parking Stall

You've been waiting several minutes for someone to pull out of a parking space. You've turned on your blinkers signaling that you intend to pull into the space. Just as the person pulls out of the space someone comes whipping around the corner and pull into the space that you CLEARLY intended to occupy. I don't get ruffled about much in life but that one makes me mad enough to actually get out of the car and confront the person. Probably not such a great idea.

Female 44, Draper Utah

People Who Are Late

People who are habitually late. You know the ones. The ones that proudly display on their license plate frames that they are "Always late but worth the wait". It makes me just want to scream at them "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE JUST RUDE!!! AND YOU'RE SOMEHOW OPERATING UNDER THE DELUSION THAT YOUR TIME IS MORE VALUABLE THAN MINE!" I don't mind an occasional lateness, everyone has things come up once in a while. But it's those people who simply cannot be on time for anything that make me nuts. For pity sake people, get up half an hour earlier if you have to.

Female 44, Draper Utah

Eats Like a Pig

The person your work next to eats their food or chews their gum like a pig.

Female 50, Utah

Theatre Seat Kicker

you are in the theatre watching a movie and the person behind you continually kicks your chair.

Female 50, Utah

McDonald's and Charging for Dipping Sauce's

One of my gripes is McDonald's making you pay 25 cents for dipping sauce... If you have nuggets they will give it to you for free 2 of them , however I dip my fries.... come on McDonald's like your not making enough money.. to me its like charging for ketchup.

Kara, Utah

Grocery Check Out Line

My gripe is waiting in the checkout line at Wal Mart, Smiths or
Albertsons with a person with a totally full grocery cart and they
wait until the last item is rung up before they even get out their
check book to start writing the check. I mean, they what store they
are in, they know the date, they can sign it and just fill in the
amount!!!!!! Why wait until the last second?

Richard, Tooele Utah

Contruction Work

I have to say my gripe is construction work that starts, encompasses miles and miles, and lasts FOREVER with seemingly no work being done! Like at Southtowne mall! What IS up with all the road construction? I know we need to improve the roads, but why tear up SO much of the road at once only to have so little progress?
Thanks. I needed to get that out of my system. :)

Amy, Salt Lake City Utah

Ice Crunchers

It drives me crazy when I'm @ wk and the lady in the cubicle behind
mine sits and crunches ice all day long!

Salt Lake City Utah


I hate it when I go to a Chinese restaurant and they don’t give me chopsticks, even though all of the Asian people eating are using them. Just because I’m Caucasian doesn’t mean I can’t use chopsticks!

Stephanie 27, Philadelphia

Unflushed Toilets

I hate it when I go to use a public restroom and the person who used it before didn't flush. I mean, is it really that difficult??

Stephanie 27, Philadelphia

The Word Irregardless

I hate it when people use the word "irregardless". It's not a DANG word! ugh, that bugs me to no end.

Lyndz 26 Utah

Religious Emails

I hate it when people that I work with forward me emails regarding god or their "Mormon" religion, they all know I am atheist and forwarding me an EMAIL about god is not going to change my mind about my believes or save my immortal soul! All it does is piss me off.

Lyndz 26 Utah

Use of Big Words

My pet peeve is when people use "big" words in the incorrect context. For example: Just the other day I heard someone use the word exacerbate (means to make a problem worse) in a sentence and it sounded good, but wasn't even close. My husband's old boss use to write memos and use big words which often made the memos confusing. My hubby is out of town right now, and I don't remember all of them, but one of the boss's memos said "The weight of this rail car did not match the weight that was on the order slip. To correct this phenomena in the future, please check the weight." WHAT????? Weight on rail cars is now a phenomena? I thought aliens or the 7 wonders of the ancient world were phenomena! Was there really no better word than phenomena?

Adrienne 29, Woods Cross Utah

Freeway Fast Lane

OK we all know that there is a "fast lane" on the freeway/highway. You know, the left lane. And we all know that driving in the fast lane means you drive faster then the rest of the world. So it is a little irritating when you are in the fast lane and you come upon someone driving slowwwwwww, like 45 mgh (that stands for mile per hour) and they won't move over. So instead of getting irate with them you decide to just go around then. OK cool but the minute you do this they decide to speed up. Now you are having thoughts of going postal. Oh my freakin bagevis, wake the hell up.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Toilet seat up or down

Well of coarse down. I don't know about you but me it is really irritating when I go to set down and not paying attention set on a toilet when the seat is in the up right position. Really sends me into thoughts of what I am going to do to the man who left it up.